“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season. Whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” Psalms 1:3 NKJV

No matter the amount of watering, pruning and manure you apply to a tree that is not planted, it will never grow, not to talk of bearing fruits! No one wastes the efforts and resources of the Kingdom of God, like an unstable Believer.

Moving from one Pastor to another, and running from one “Prophet” to another, will not help the spiritual development and eventual fruitfulness of any Christian. Once you find a good ministry, and you’re getting thorough nourishment from there, stay there!! If your Pastor rebukes you, don’t depart arrogantly. Accept that rebuke! It is called spiritual pruning. That Pastor is only removing from you rotteness, and unwanted materials that might hamper your growth. If your “prayers haven’t been answered” yet, wait still! It might not be your season to bear fruits yet. Wait …! Stay planted!!

The daily nourishment you’re getting is what will prepare you for your season of fruitfulness and harvest. If you uproot yourself, and look for another place to plant yourself, you would be taking yourself backward spiritually. There are also those who uproot themselves immediately they notice some fruits on their branches. I call such people “Spiritual Thieves”! God calls them robbers! Such people will only short-change themselves! Because, those immature fruits they have born will eventually die, and they will deprive themselves of future fruits and harvests. It takes serious self-discipline and determination to follow a particular Minister of God for many years! Because, even the devil knowing the blessings ahead of you will come to dissuade you. You must be very determined to stay planted!! If you remain planted in the same good place during hot or shine. Enduring all weathers. Receiving that regular supply of water and occasional pruning, you will succeed and produce many fruits, in what ever you do!

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PLEASE, DON’T MISS THE FIRST FLIGHT! Rapture will soon happen!

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior now, if you haven’t. If you backslidded because of sin, re-dedicate your life to Jesus now!

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18 KJV

Daily Bible Study Guide
Morning: Psalms 7, 8, 9

Evening: Acts 17:1-15

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