“Now it came to pass, when David was dwelling in his house, that David said to Nathan the prophet, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of the covenant of the Lord is under tent curtains.” -I Chronicles 17:1 NKJV

Someone unconventionally defined responsibility as the ability to respond when the need arises. How true is that!? David was a responsible Believer in God; He cared passionately about every thing that has to do with God, and about the welfare of God’s people. He would protect the Anointed even if he was David’s sworn enemy!

Think of King David relaxing in his house, relishing the beauty and luxuries in his palace, then suddenly he thought: ‘Wait! See how beautiful my house is, built even with cedars. Yet, God’s house is made with curtains!’ Today, how many of us think like that? Do we ever compare our luxurious cars to the rickety our Pastors are moving around? Do we compare our palatial houses to the shoddy structures we worship in? How do you feel seeing your Pastor badly clothed? If your bowel grumbles and make an urgent demand on you to act whenever things are not right in your Father’s House, then you’re a responsible Believer.

The angels won’t buy that Church Bus, you should! The Angels won’t sweep your church premises, you should! The angels won’t go to the market to shop for your Pastor, you should! Even though God stopped David from building that Temple because he had shed so many blood as a Warrior; yet God rewarded him by building him “a house” (i.e God built a lineage of kings for David, as reward for his good heart towards the Lord’s House): “… Also I will subdue all your enemies. Furthermore I tell you that the Lord will build you a house.” -I Chronicles 17:10 NKJV. You can never do anything in vain-if you did it for God! He will surely reward you. Please, go ahead and buy that car for God’s work. Build that Church Structure! Sow that seed for Kingdom advancement! Shop for your spiritual leaders! Wipe the sweats from their faces too! Be responsible in God’s house! Don’t wait until you’re begged or pushed. Great rewards await you!

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Morning: 1 Chronicles 17, 18, 19

Evening: John 10:1-21

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