“And it came to pass, when the priests came out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.” I Kings 8:10-11 NKJV

I have seen videos, and read messages of certain Christians mocking Preachers over the lockdowns and the restriction of Congregations to gather all across the globe. They are making jests of Pastors, some even said now they realized they never needed Pastors because they could now study and pray at home by themselves. Many others are making jests of Pastors who have mega churches, that finally their ego had been tampered with, since no more crowd gather around them to “idolize” them.
Hmmmm! I will give this advice to you as a young preacher, if you are a Christian. Always be careful where you stand when ever the Church of Jesus Christ is facing any challenge. Lot’s descendants {a man that Abraham took so much risks for} were banned from ever coming into Israel’s assembly because they did not meet Israel with bread and water when they were leaving Egypt. Instead, they even employed someone to curse the Israelites (Nehemiah 13:1-2). And, concerning Edom, the descendants of Esua (Jacob’s Brother) GOD commanded Israel; “You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother …” Deuteronomy 23:7 NKJV. I wonder if these mockers still see these men of GOD and these Churches as their Brothers!
The Church of Jesus Christ is the only Ark that GOD presently has on earth, and whoever is not found inside it when Jesus comes will be left behind to face the AntiChrist! The Ark may be smelly with cow dungs, I will stay inside it. Birds may be flying here and there, making irritating sounds, I will hide myself inside it still. Creepy reptiles crawling around, yet I will stay inside the Ark! Anywhere outside the Church is not safe! The Church is GOD’s Ark presently. Before the glory filled the house until the Priests could not minister, heavy sacrifices had been made: “Also King Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel who were assembled with him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen that could not be counted or numbered for multitude.” I Kings 8:5 NKJV. If you do not understand certain spiritual matters, keep quiet! It is better to be indifferent than to stand against GOD and His people. You do not know what these Men of GOD have sacrficed to build the congregations they built for the Lord. Yet, you mock their works. Now, you count their seeming inability to “minister” as GOD judging them. How foolish does that sound …? GOD’s Ministers are His Ministers, whether they preach or not. And the Church is not those buildings in which they assemble the souls for teaching and training. The Church of Jesus Christ are those souls that they have won for Him, wherever they may be …either at home, at work, on the street, inside the huge cathedrals or small room!
The Ravens fed Elijah by the brook when he was not preaching to anyone, because he was GOD’s Minister; whether he was preaching or not! He was not preaching in the widow’s house, yet GOD made sure food never stopped there for his sake. An Angel brought him food in the wilderness twice, when he was not preaching to anyone, because he was GOD’s Minister. Our congregation did not call us, GOD did! We are His responsibility. When it looks like we are not ministering, He is presently working. Because the Sheep belonged to Him all along, we are just undershepherds. We are caretakers. If we are not ministering, His glory is in His Temples. No! Dont look for those temples made with bricks, those are the training centers. Now, He lives inside His people, and His glory has filled His Houses! Halleluyah!! “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” Colossians 1:27. We are not getting weak, we are rather getting stronger, because the Owner of the Work is working in His Houses. Halleluyaaah!!! Watchout for what’s coming after this season!
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In The Mornin: 1 Kings 10, 11
In The Evening: Luke 24:1-35
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