You are currently viewing THERE IS JUST ONE GOD!


WORD&POWER for TODAY, 8th of October, 2019.


“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV

Polytheism is to believe in, or to worship more than one God. Did you know that not less than 33million gods are worshipped in India? Africa with her vast population also has numerous gods, depending on their historical backgrounds. The population of a people shouldn’t determine the number of gods they should have. One GOD is enough to rule the entire universe. Because, He created it. He would not have started a venture He couldnt manage alone.

He demanded first of all that Israel shouldn’t have other gods beside Him. And they have been severly punished several times for this whenever they defaulted. As Christians today, we too are not permitted to worship more than one GOD. To hold any thing or any one in high esteem, as much as to submit your life in obeisance in spite of the Almighty is idol worship. Even people who would rather please themselves rather than GOD have turned themselves into idols.

During evangelism a young man once told me, “I have my own god… I don’t need your God”. I asked where is your god? He replied “he is inside the house”. I asked, who gave him to you? “My grandmother”; he replied. He believed my God doesn’t have to be his God. Everyone should have their gods. Socially, that is acceptable, but spiritually, it is death and damnation in eternity. We should all worship one GOD, The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Him up for the salvation of the entire world. Jesus Himself said; “… I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 KJV. Look away from any other deity, and turn to the Father of our Saviour Jesus Christ today.

PRAY: Heavenly Father, I believe in you through Jesus Christ. The One you sent to die for me. I declare that I will not bow my knees to another deity, or mention their names in my mouth as a form of worship, all the days of my life. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!

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In The Morning: Isaiah 39, 40

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Oct 8, 2019 4:57:01 AM

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