… enlightening your human spirit.


“But to which of the angels has He ever said: “sit at My right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool”? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”*_ Hebrews 1:13‭-‬14 NKJV

Many years ago, God told me; “many of my children are doing what their angels should do for them.” The word “Angel” means Messenger or Attendant. One that has been sent with a definite instruction!

There is no child of God upon this earth that is without, at least, an angel! They are spiritual beings that God has commanded and sent forth, to attend to the needs (and ensure the safety) of those who inherit salvation through Jesus Christ. The Bible says they minister, which means they serve or attend to. God’s Ministers are around us to attend to our needs, and to ensure our safety! But, a lot of God’s children believe too much in themselves. They lean on their own understanding in all their ways! That is why they hardly study the Bible. They don’t listen to spiritual instructions from their spiritual leaders. When the Holy Spirit talks to them, they say “something told me”. When angels give them instruction or guidance, they misunderstand their voice for mere thoughts!

Your struggles will end the very day you learn how to cooperate with these ministers of God around you! But, if you’re not born-again, you’re alone! You are open to any attack from the devil!! Angles are real! They make sure you don’t fail or get cheaply destroyed by Satan and his workers. Start learning how to relate with (or respond to) the voices you sometimes hear. That knowledge will help you a lot.

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